Background Information

Hats off to Robert Bryant who has compiled and edited [the printed version] of the history of the “Junkermeiers of Germany and America”. He also has tirelessly translated into English the old German documents, old faded letters and microfilm from the library—-all in the old German script type of writing. What a staggering amount of work and research that in itself was! He truly has done the lion share of work to organize, to type, and to have ready this geneology at this point in time—-1983. We all owe him a big debt of gratitude. I am sure you will want to express your appreciation to him for his diligence and perseverance. Truly a labor of love for all Junkermeier descendants.

However, he would be the first to give thanks to all of you descendants who have researched and contributed information about your families through the years. There are some families with incomplete information. This is regrettable, but [the printed version] being a loose-leaf type of book, pages can be added, as more data are received.

Assisting in the collection and search of material for this study has been Marie Lang. If you notice any errors or omissions please draw it to her attention. The information needs to be correct and constantly updated. If any family member would care to forward information regarding your branch, she would be happy to receive it, since she will continue to be a collector of ongoing data.

Please don’t consider this a finished product by any means. It needs to be constantly added to or revised. A family tree constantly sprouts new growth or branches.

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Junkermeier Lineage